Tuesday, May 19, 2015

lightness of heart

Creativity in all it's forms can bring a lightness of heart and joy...even homemade party lights to hang in the dining room or patio. 

call it what you will

My latest grocery bag art journal...notes to myself on regaining balance in life.  Call it what you will...centering yourself, setting your mind on things above, regaining your spiritual perspective, taking every thought captive, practicing the steps of recovery...for me, they are pages of visual meditations.

Monday, May 18, 2015


My latest art journal's theme is what I call regaining balance.  I began it as a visual reminder of those practices that most help me recover, heal, center myself, and regain my stability in an ever-changing life.  Not only will it be a visual reminder when I'm done, but it also serves as a kinesthetic meditation while creating it.  Spending the time to express in visual form the message allows me to take it in through my senses. 

So...regaining balance often has to begin with stop long enough to take a few deep breaths...proceed to telling the truth...what is happening and how do I honestly feel about it....

(See subsequent posts for additional steps.)